Scholar Collectives Advocating for Social Justice in Education
This paper describes the development, goals, and activities of six scholar collectives that work toward social justice in education. Each group is connected to higher education and engages its members to speak out against social and structural inequities and to push for changes toward social justice in early childhood, K–12, and higher education and for the general public. Three collectives are location based: the Chicagoland Researchers and Advocates for Transformative Education (CReATE), the California Alliance of Researchers for Equity in Education (CARE-ED), and the Hawai‘i Scholars for Education and Social Justice (HSESJ). The Education Deans for Justice and Equity (EDJE) is a national alliance of education deans and directors. The last two collectives, Radical STEMM Educators of the Bay Area (RadSTEMM) and the Coalition for Racial Equity in the Arts + Education (crea+e) are smaller organizations that focus on equity in education within their respective scholarly communities, STEMM and arts education. The six collectives featured here are part of a network of social justice collectives designed to share resources and collaborate with each other.
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ISSN 2151-4712 (print)
ISSN 2372-0751 (online)